Impacts of Seasonality and Patronage of Lakes on the Economy of Host Communities (A Case of Nike Lake, Enugu-Nigeria)

Author Details

Amalu, Titus Ejiofor, Oko Ugwu, Idam Nnachi Sunday and Oko-Isu Philomena Eleje

Journal Details


Published: 2 February 2019 | Article Type :


Lakes are one of the world’s most visited tourists’ attractions in recent times and the socio-economic advantages of lakes to host communities are numerous. This study examined the impacts of seasonal variations on patronage of Nike Lake in Enugu state Nigeria and its socio-economic implication on the adjoining and host communities. Primary and secondary sources of data collection were employed for the study. The primary source involved the use of questionnaire survey and interviews while the secondary sources involved the use of documented information in the registry of the Lake resort, the internet and textbooks. The study population involved visitors, manager and staffs of the Lake resort and household heads in the area. Data for the study were presented with the aid of tables, graphs and charts; and was analyzed with the aid of descriptive statistics such as simple percentages, mean and averages. The study observed that a total of 205,990 visitors visited the lake resort between 2014 and 2018 and among the visitors, 30% visited to spend their holidays and to attend events, 13% visited to enjoy the accommodation facilities in the resort while 10% visited to catch fun and experience nature. The study also observed that 35% of the visitors came from within Nigeria, 22% from European countries, 15% from other African countries, 10% from Asia and United States while 8% were from South America. It was observed that 77% of the recorded visitors visited during the months of dry season while 23% visited within the months of wet season showing that more activities were observed during dry than in wet season. The study realized that the host communities enjoyed some benefits such as provision of employment, increase in business, family and individual income while some challenges such as increasing crime rates, promiscuity and abandonment of their tradition occupations. Finally, the study observed that only 30% of the indigenes were involved in tourism related activities. Based on the findings, the study recommends that more events be organized and hosted within the resort especially within the months of wet season and that more indigenes should be encouraged to participate in activities within the resort to help boost tourism in the area.

 Keywords: Tourism; Seasonality; Patronage; Nigeria; Lake. 

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How to Cite


Amalu, Titus Ejiofor, Oko Ugwu, Idam Nnachi Sunday and Oko-Isu Philomena Eleje. (2019-02-02). "Impacts of Seasonality and Patronage of Lakes on the Economy of Host Communities (A Case of Nike Lake, Enugu-Nigeria)." *Volume 1*, 1, 7-13